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Nathan Holiday

Nathan's  major focus is on health, fitness and strength development, and his mastery of  skills and  information are matched only by his commitment to further study and understanding. He spent five and a half years in the US Army, 15 months in Baghdad. He was an Infantry Airborne and Air Assault qualified Army Sniper, earned a CIB while deployed, instructed military personnel in areas including overall fitness, strength attainment, nutrition, close quarters combat and shooting.

Nathan is a deeply experienced CrossFit and Olympic Lifting Coach, and is a competitor himself.  His recent CF competition results: 5/9/10, Southwest Regional Qualifier (California, Hawaii, Arizona) - 11th place; 3/13/10, Southern California Crossfit Sectional Qualifier - 9th place; 1/23/10,  OPT's Big Dawg Competition #3 - 2nd place; 4/19/09, SoCal CrossFit Regional Qualifier - 11th place.  His Weightlifting scores are: Snatch, 242 lbs; Clean and Jerk, 300 lbs; Clean, 303 lbs; Jerk, 303 lbs; Overhead Squat, 303 lbs.  All of his training can be found at

Obviously, Nathan is the finest example of human physical perfection that has ever existed.